Issue 3 Signed by Leticia Bufoni!
Issue 3 Signed by Leticia Bufoni!
Exclusive! Signed copies of issue 3 by Leticia Bufoni—this should be in every fan’s collection!
Partial Proceeds to be donated to BOARDING FOR BREAST CANCER (B4BC) of which Leticia is an Ambassador.
At OH-SO we believe skateboarder’s strive to leave lasting impressions on the world around them. We aim to celebrate this with Issue 3! We’ve highlighted some female skateboarders who act mindfully to produce positive, memorable impressions — we hope they leave a lasting (an inspiring) impression on you too. One person who will leave a lasting impression on the world of skateboarding and who has set the standard for them all is Leticia Bufoni. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to interview Letica, Karen Jonz, Ynidara Asp, Dora Varella and so many others. We believe this is our boldest issue yet -- we think you will think so too.
Signed: Leticia Bufoni x Issue 3
$36 (while supplies last)